Dave Harrell Angling

Dave Harrell is someone I grew up following, and is part of why I enjoy float fishing so much. Dave's own range of floats harps back to more traditional angling with a large range of running line floats. Made to more modern standards DH floats are a joy to use, from the stick float through to river pole floats.

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Showing 1 - 15 of 15 products
Showing 1 - 15 of 15 products

Item in Stock

Dave Harrell DH14 Pole Floats

0 review(s)

Ideal float for silver fish on the canal or river

Ideal float for silver fish on the canal or river

Item in Stock

Dave Harrell DH16 Pole Floats

0 review(s)

DH16 Pole Float

DH16 Pole Float

Item in Stock

Dave Harrell DH17 Pole Floats

0 review(s)

Nice around pattern

Nice around pattern

Item in Stock

Dave Harrell DH19 Pencil Floats

0 review(s)

DH19 Pencil floats

DH19 Pencil floats

Item in Stock

Dave Harrell DH22 Pole Floats

0 review(s)

DH22 Pole Float

DH22 Pole Float

Item in Stock

Dave Harrell DH23 Pole Floats

0 review(s)

Ideal pole float for hemp fishing

Ideal pole float for hemp fishing

Item in Stock

Dave Harrell Float Rubbers

0 review(s)

Good quality silicone float rubber.

Good quality silicone float rubber.

Out of stock

Dave Harrell No4 Bolo Floats

0 review(s)

The body shape helps control and when holding back.

The body shape helps control and when holding back.

Insert tip alloy stem stick floats.

Insert tip alloy stem stick floats.

Out of stock

Dave Harrell Thin Insert Waggler

0 review(s)

Thin insert waggler perfect for slow flowing rivers and still waters

Thin insert waggler perfect for slow flowing rivers and still waters

Insert waggler, perfect float for shy biting still water and river fish.

Insert waggler, perfect float for shy biting still water and river fish.

Out of stock

Dave Harrell No 1 Speci Waggler Floats

0 review(s)

Perfect for stillwater and river venues between two feet and six feet deep

Perfect for stillwater and river venues between two feet and six feet deep

Straight peacock waggler float

Straight peacock waggler float

Dome top Lignum stick floats

Dome top Lignum stick floats

Shouldered lignum base stick floats.

Shouldered lignum base stick floats.